CrackedCubes Team
16 Jan 2023
Claim seven free gifted items before they disappear!
We are thrilled to announce that our new flagship feature project, Holiday Resort, is now available for free on Minecraft Marketplace. As part of the wider celebration, we get to launch a free character creator item every day for a whole week.
Hosted as part of Minecraft's New Year's Celebration 2023, get ready to customise your avatar to get into the holiday spirit and take that well deserved relaxing tropical break this new year and journey to the ultimate VIP holidaying destination.

To claim, please head on over to Minecraft Marketplace and access each item when it unlocks in the celebration gifts panel at the top of the store homepage. After 18:00 GMT (9:00am PST) on 16th January all items will be unlocked in the gifts panel.
To download Holiday Resort, and to find out more about the resort's specific features, please visit our store page here.
Tuesday, 10th January | Palm Leaf Hat

Wednesday, 11th January | Palm Tree Hat

Thursday, 12th January | Palm Tree Sunglasses

Friday, 13th January | Palm Tree T-Shirt

Saturday, 14th January | Bumper Car Suspenders

Sunday, 15th January | Flamingo Suspenders

Monday, 16th January | Shark Shorts

Watch the launch trailer here:
We sat down for a little chat with Sophie over at Mojang to discuss what sort of adventures you can get up to at our Holiday Resort, the 'dream destination' in Minecraft! If you want to have a read, head on over to Minecraft's news page, or click here.

To watch the celebration launch trailer, please click here. Holiday Resort features as a part of the wider 2023 New Year's Celebration on Minecraft Marketplace, and releases for free January 10th at 18:00 GMT (9:00 am PST).
All character creator items go live on their above listed launch dates at 18:00 GMT (9:00am PST). Items will remain live until 24th January 2023 at 18:00 GMT (9:00 am PST), after which it will no longer be possible to claim them. If you have already claimed them by this point, they will remain in your personal character creator library.

If you place a pumpkin on top of two snow blocks, you will spawn a Snow Golem (snowman). Perfect to decorate your winter base with!

new releases
Catch up on our latest project releases below, or visit our store to view our full project catalog of free and paid content. New content every Tuesday, each week, all year.
Did you know that every 1 in 10,000 times you play Minecraft the main menu will display a typo in the game's title?